
Adv Mater


论文题目:Metal–CO2 Batteries on the Road: CO2 from Contamination Gas to Energy Source
论文作者:Zhaojun Xie, Xin Zhang, Zhang Zhang, Zhen Zhou
发表期刊:Adv Mater, 2017, 29, 1605891   [ pdf ]


Rechargeable nonaqueous metal–air batteries attract much attention for their high theoretical energy density, especially in the last decade. However, most reported metal–air batteries are actually operated in a pure O2 atmosphere, while CO2 and moisture in ambient air can significantly impact the electrochemical performance of metal–O2 batteries. In the study of CO2 contamination on metal–O2 batteries, it has been gradually found that CO2 can be utilized as the reactant gas alone; namely, metal–CO2 batteries can work. On the other hand, investigations on CO2 fixation are in focus due to the potential threat of CO2 on global climate change, especially for its steadily increasing concentration in the atmosphere. The exploitation of CO2 in energy storage systems represents an alternative approach towards clean recycling and utilization of CO2. Here, the aim is to provide a timely summary of recent achievements in metal–CO2 batteries, and inspire new ideas for new energy storage systems. Moreover, critical issues associated with reaction mechanisms and potential directions for future studies are discussed.

全球变暖是人类社会目前所面临的一个严重问题,CO2作为主要的温室气体备受关注,特别是近年来大气中CO2的含量一直呈现出逐年增长的趋势。2016年其含量已经超过400 ppm,严重制约了人类社会的可持续发展,如何减少CO2的排放,降低人为气候的影响,成为当今社会普遍关注的问题。CO2的资源化转化利用是一条理想的出路,同时也成为国际上研究的热点和难点。

